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About Me

- Disconnectica
- Borgholm, Öland, Sweden
- I'm Malin, a 26 year old freelance artist, illustrator and silly person in general. I'm currently aiming to finish my Bachelor's degree in Art History. My biggest passion in life is art and I work mostly in traditional mediums. In 2006 I studied Asian Art at Hawaii Pacific University, along with jewelry design and ceramics at Honolulu Academy of Arts. After that I went to art school in France at Paris American Academy and since 2008 I've been back in Sweden, studying Art History, design, literature etc. I've also been teaching acrylic painting at Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan in Kalmar for a few years as well as at SV in Borgholm. At the moment I'm living with my fiance in Belgium and we are eagerly planning to move to Sweden. I do commissions and a lot of the pieces shown in the gallery are for sale so don't hesitate to contact me about prices etc.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Sunday feeling
It feels like Sunday today, very slow and sleepy feeling in general. School is taking up most of my time but I try to clear my head with some creative work from time to time, otherwise I think I'd go crazy. Working on an A3 acrylic painting. It started out as a doodle and was supposed to be something else entirely but certain days the picture wants something else than what was originally intended and I find that it's wiser to go with the flow when that happens. So far I'm content with where it's going and I think it can turn into something that I'm happy with. If my camera wasn't being grumpy I'd post a sneak peek. Drawing and painting (or any sort of creative work) can be very therapeutic. I like the feeling of the mind resting in a picture during its creation, very peaceful and satisfying. The end result seems to matter less and the picture turns into something beyond an artistic expression.